Some of the best Manga and Manhwa recommendations for Anime Fandom that can give you goosebumps.
Some people think that manga is better than Manhwa but that is not true today we will tell you some great Manhwa and Manga. And if you never read the manga then trust me you should give it a try, you’re gonna love it.
And I am going to give you the proper list of Manga and Manhwa with some descriptions.
Note- There will be no spoilers in this post. So, don’t worry.
1. The Promised Neverland
This Manga was written by Kaiu Shirai. In this story, there was an orphanage in which you have to stay until you become intelligent and after you have to go to the city for better things. And this orphanage was under a Mom named Isabella, but things will get ugly when some kids find out why are they living there. And now you should read the manga and this manga was also adapted into animation but don’t watch that because they made it in a quick version and left some great arcs. so, read the manga.
2. Tokyo Ghoul
This manga was written by Sui Ishida. Tokyo is haunted by ghouls who resemble humans but feast on their flesh. As a ghoul-human hybrid, Ken Kaneki finds himself caught between two worlds. And you will see that slowly Kaneki will go deeper into the ghoul world and commit some crimes. and don’t watch anime of Tokyo Ghoul because it only has a 1st good season after that it was trash. So, don’t watch anime.
3. Vinland Saga
4. Berserk

1. Tower Of God

2. Bastard

3. Solo Leveling

4. Let’s Play